
Monday, November 11, 2019

I've fallen so completely out of the habit of blogging that I'm not really sure if I should bother to even try to keep up with this blog or just let it go completely. It's strange because blogging is something I used to love doing. I like writing, and writing about completed projects or other fun collecting "high points" used to be very satisfying. I've had so many computer problems over the last 2 years that all of that time of not having access to a computer, not having a functioning camera and other less relative to mention but equally bleak things in life has just left me almost out of love with blogging. (I did get a new camera earlier in the year, I'm just out of the habit of using one, so that excuse doesn't work now...)I won't ever get rid of this blog altogether, just because it is a fun thing for me to look back on. So really, whether I keep updating it or not is probably not even a decision worth mentioning.

Despite my uninspiring last year - 2 years, I have had a lot of fun projects that I am really proud of and would have enjoyed documenting them for my own satisfaction. I'm not sure whether or not I should play catch up and post about old completed projects? I suppose I will start with my latest and go back from there, posting the projects of which I have pics that I can actually use. With that being said, I will stop my pointless ramblings and post something enjoyable to read.

I don't think I mentioned it on here, but through a unexpected to turn of events, I ended up getting back into the Pullip hobby. It all started with the poor Dal Charlotte who had been sitting on the shelves of my local Tuesday Morning for probably a year. I decided, what the hey, might as well get the poor dolly, as she was marked down 20% off,  and if I really didn't like her (I never had a Dal before) I could sell her to someone in the doll collecting groups who would treasure her. Through a miscalculation of time, I ended up NOT getting to Tuesday Morning on my intended day to buy her before they closed. (Which they did 15 minutes early.) I ended up unexpectedly going to Evansville the next day. The original plan was to go by the store on the way there, but we left later than planned I think, and had to just head straight there. I did though make it by Tuesday Morning before they closed on my way back to the house after leaving Evansville. And what to my wondering eyes did appear? But a 40% off sticker on Dal Charlotte AND an extra 20% off as well! I got that doll for I think about $27 something in the end. So my seemingly bad luck by missing her the previous night turned into super good luck! :D  The lady at the check out was relieved that someone finally bought the poor doll. She thought she was so pretty. And she really is. I'm so pleased with her.

I quickly named her Macaroon, and dreamed up all sorts of things that I could make for her on the drive back to the house from Tuesday Morning. I ended up not opening until a couple of weeks ago, so she sat on my shelf for a few weeks, just being admired from a distance. After I opened her, I did just put her back in her box until I can find a safer storage solution for her.

I ought to do a more thorough review of her. I'll try to do that if I can ever get good enough lighting in this dungeon. Here's a few things of note to mention:

Her hair. I love, love, LOVE her hair. I didn't realize it until I actually took a good look at her in the store, but it has a pale pink mingled in. The curlets and the braids of her hair style are very pretty and will prove to be a challenge to store safely.

Her dress has a lot of detail and I do like it. I'm always a sucker for Rococo. But, I have some issues with it that do bug me. I'm just really finicky with doll clothes. First thing that bothers me is that the dress really doesn't fit her through the chest and shoulders. It's really big on her to the point where it comes down way too low and its just baggy. The other thing that I don't like is they way they finished the over skirt. While I applaud their success in avoiding the pesky back seam, I just think the way they used small hooks and eyes to attach it to the front just results in an awkward looking fit as the over skirt edges don't stay where they need to and it ends up skirting up to the middle of her waist. It just looks awkward, though I don't have any suggestions of how they could have otherwise achieved this. I honestly would rather have the seam in the back and the over skirt fitting cleanly at the waist. But that's just me being really nit picky. Jun Planning always creates beautiful and quality pieces for their Pullip and Family dolls.

I'm really looking forward to sewing some fun stuff for Macaroon. She will be all sweet, pastel, rococo/lolita goodness!

Since getting my Dal I added a MIO Pullip, who, while named and planned out is still in her box, a Pullip Nanette, and then was recently gifted with another MIO Pullip, who while also named and planned out is likewise sitting still in her box. Hopefully I will have a chance to work on those dolls and will post about them when I do.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Yesterday I finally was to the point of being able to do a fabric test run of the carry case I have been commissioned to make for Bitty Bitsu sized dolls. I will be making 4 of these, and I designed it - as requested - to hold the doll, a roll up futon mattress, a blanket and pillow, a pocket for clothing and a small pocket for some accessories. My customer requested there to be a see through window so she can see the doll and that the case be the base for the roll up mattress, which is brilliant, I think! I have never made anything like this, so this is a very interesting experience for me. 

I drafted the whole thing on graph paper, which is really great to use, made all of the calculations making sure there was space for the lining, etc, and then after I checked and rechecked, I cut out some test fabric and test felt to fill in for the lining which I plan to use. It went pretty well. I had to make a couple of small adjustments which was no surprise considering I was having trouble getting an accurate measurement with my measuring tape going around my curved pencil lines. I fear I might have one small issue, but I won't know for sure until I can get to town and pick up a zipper and run another test.

Since there was nothing more I could do on it today, I set that project aside and worked on a MH project I started last night. I made a pair of denim pants, and today I made simple tee shirt to go with them. That took only a few minutes since I found (yay!) the tee shirt pattern I had made a couple of years ago. To complete the outfit - I am going for a modern hippie look -  it needs a suede jacket, so I started that pattern. I got as far as the front, back and sleeves before taking a break on it. I need to figure out the back collar, pockets and lining to complete it. 

After a snack break I sat down and wrote down the measurements for the 16 inch Disney animator doll comparing them to AG. I had done a commission some time ago for one of these dolls and measurement adjustments were a breeze. I just don't know where I had written them down! I will be making a Nell outfit from The House on Haunted Hill tv show.After getting all the measurements down on paper, I was able to figure out how much fabric I will need for each piece. So barring any wretched stormy weather that we just might be having tomorrow, I will go into the fabric store and get  total for the supplies we this project can finally start. I am only now standing the thought of working on yet another chiffon project as I have been chiffoned out this last year. (I can't believe how much chiffon I have worked on.) I also decided on a line or not to line solution to the robe that I have been debating over since volunteering for this outfit. 

To end my sewing day, I got out my Gene doll and began drafting a pattern for her. It's a drop waisted 50's design, and one I have already made for AG. It's not possible to resize the AG pattern (for me at least - resizing is confusing, starting from scratch is easier), but it is going quickly being that I know the way the pieces are meant to go together. I made really good headway on it - I just need to do the sleeves, cuffs, collar, sash and lining. It's wonderful seeing my doll in a dress I am making just for her!

Tomorrow is going to be a fun project day! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Meet the Appletons (Sylvanian Families Kennelworth Dalmatians)

One of these days I will blog about the recent lot we picked up last week (it was a fun adventure) but for now I want to just talk about one of my newest acquisitions that came in the aforementioned lot - the Sylvanian Families Dalmatians. :D (I just learned their name is Kennelworth - though is that the UK name for them? I truly cannot hold onto their official names. You pick your battles.) I adore this little family. I am lucky to have gotten all 4 plus the twins, all in excellent shape. My plan is right now to NOT buy any more Critters and to just bond with the ones I have gotten. They all need names and stories and I would like to make them new clothes. Considering the residents of Happy Hollow just doubled and then some, I think I will be happily occupied for some time! But back to the intended subject of this post, the Appletons.

"The Appletons own the Apple orchard of Happy Hollow. They are Big Brother MacIntosh, Big Sister Gala, Little Brother Braeburn, Little Sister Goldie (short for Golden Delicious) and Twins Crispin and Honeycrisp. The Appletons are proud of the many varieties of apples they grow and love to take care of the trees, picking all the juicy apples after they ripen in the sun. (In Happy Hollow there are always apples ready to eat!) When they are not out harvesting apples and tending to other orchard related activities, they love to bake delicious desserts like pies, tarts and turnovers. Their treats are a big hit at the local bakery. Even Baby Crispin and Baby Honeycrisp want to participate! They love to help shape the little apples and leaves that decorate the tops of the pies. When baking time is over, all of the Appletons are happy to help with the clean up. The quicker they get the mess cleaned up, the quicker they can get to another favorite activity - playing checkers! The Appleton checkers tournaments can go on for hours. Each member of the family keep a careful note of scores. After all, each winner gets to choose a pie for themselves! (Not that they ever keep the pie to themselves - it always tastes better shared with the ones you love the most.)"

I have sketched out some ideas for some simple outfits for each of them. I'm definitely going to play up the apple theme and will try to make felt appliques work somewhere on their outfits. I would love to to make Baby Crispin and Honeycrisp little rompers with apple hats. If I can get that to work somehow, I will be thrilled!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Sewing Project Basics round is done!

With the extra stress of playing catch up to get back on track for this last year finally subsiding, I am finding I have time for more projects. (It's amazing just how much added weight stress adds to anything.) Den of Angels has monthly themed sewing projects that members can join to just do for fun. The last time I joined and completed any project there was probably 2016, the Dark Mori round. I've just been too busy with other projects/other things, and that 7th circle of Hell known as the Catch Up ring to justify joining in. I decided "why not?" for the February  project since I was seeing the end of my present commissions in sight, and I figured a little 'just for fun' sewing would be really good for me. It went fairly well, so, with even more work accomplished as the March project started, I decided to join in again!

This month's theme was Basics. Who doesn't need basics, right? True to form, I over planned, wanting to make outfits for 4 of my dolls. That didn't quite happen, but what I did end up finishing was a hoodie for my little Dearmine Bean I named Roseus and another outfit for Honeysuckle. The project time ended before I got his pants done, but I can always squeeze them in some other time.

There's his hoodie. I still need to decide how I want to close it in the back. I love the colors for him! :D  His pants will be out of a purple. I still want to make him a tee shirt. I had picked out a peach knit, with the intention of painting some sort of candy monster on it. It'll still happen though - he can't live in a hoodie when Summer hits!

And here's Miss Honeysuckle. Not the best pic - I was a little rushed. I need to take a better one to show her outfit more clearly. Her peddle pushers have cuffs and bows that match the floral of the shirt. I think though, she'll be able to wear them with other things just fine. I was debating whether or not her blouse needs bows at the sleeve cuffs and I pretty much settled on not going with them. Her kerchief needs to be rethought out on how I close it in the back. It ended up too loose. Overall though I am pretty happy with it.

The next month's project will start soon, and its theme is once again Dark Mori! Honeysuckle is going to sit this one out (I haven't broken the news yet to her. She's not going to be happy) as she still has the outfit I made her last time. I've already started some design sketches. This month's muse will be my WS Juri06 Bree'an, who has not had a single thing sewn for him since I got him back.This is going to be exciting!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

I have spent most of the day today going through my vintage pony collection. I had already written a detailed list of who I have and who I need to complete each year (up through at least year 6,) but, as this seems to happen a lot, I have no idea where that particular notebook went to. I'm guessing it was collateral damage from the last big clean out of papers, notebooks etc that are no longer needed. Or it might show up somewhere. At any rate, I have started over and have everything written down through year 4. I'm working on reassessing my collection goals, so this new list does reflect my new focus. (Not that its terribly different, but a new list for a new year is actually refreshing after all!) I started out by getting each pony out of my containers to admire as I wrote them down. Oh, the MLP smell is a deliriously delicious scent of pure blissful intoxication! It was nice to see each one as its been awhile since I took them out to mess with. After a few series, I just wrote down who I had without digging them out. I need another container. The recent expansion of twins has made it harder to unbury a specific pony.

I haven't bought new ponies for awhile. I did trade some sewing for a few, and fell into the fortune of a family member cleaning house (thus the twin expansion), so there's been that bit of awesomeness. Even with that, I am craving going on a pony splurge! But for now, I am going to just reorient and refocus my goals and let it all fall into place as it goes along.

I'm going to transfer all of my collection notes onto this blog in my pony section, with what I have in regular text and what I still need to complete with an asterisk next to it. I will put what I am not planning on getting from each year in italics. I will have some ponies to sell, some duplicates and what not. Its hard to part with duplicates. I can't quite let go of my second Powder or my second Sky Flier, but I will try to do it at one point. I stayed strong yesterday and left behind a Sparkler at the Flea Market that I didn't need. While I admire and agree with the "no pony left behind" rule, I just don't follow it. I was so very much hoping to find some G1s to get for my collection, but alas, all that they had (that weren't priced ridiculously) were ponies that I already had. :( Though I did find a castle in its box with Majesty and Spike at the cash only place for $60. Once I get some more sales that give me unspoken for money, I might see if its still available. I'd want to see if they'd let me look inside the packaging to let me see what all is there before buying it. If its just the castle bones, I'm not sure if I'd want to pay $60 for it. It all depends on the condition, I suppose. Though I seriously doubt if it will stay there for too long!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Tomorrow is the SUPER BOWL!!!! And my cool buy 2 get 2 free at Spencers...

I spent tonight getting everything together to head out to the motel tomorrow in TN (it's a 2 hour drive) we booked (cat friendly, so the furballs are going too) so we can watch the Super Bowl! Why drive 2 hours? It is a place we do like to stay, though in reality, the rental site switched locations from the town in KY that is 45 minutes away to the place in TN. Maybe it's because we stayed at that very same hotel before, so it just switched it? I have no idea, and its no big deal to drive a little further to stay there. Otherwise, we would have canceled it.

One draw of going to TN is there is a particularly delicious Mexican restaurant we love to eat at, and we had planned on going there before the game. Then the stomach flu hit me pretty meanly on Wednesday, and that plan changed. In the end, I just fixed a roast here at the house and cooked it with Mexican seasoning that we'll just take. (Thankfully it was one of the first things that sounded good to me, otherwise I have no idea what we would have done. I'm not quite back to regular eating, but getting there.) It's amazing how much stuff one needs to take for a simple one night stay when you are bringing cats and food. O.O I mapped out what I hope is a thorough itinerary of everything needed to be packed, etc., and so far, so good. Just have to double check the list tomorrow before leaving to make sure we have it all. I hope I didn't forget something! I'm hoping to be out the door by 10 AM, get tacos at Taco Bell for lunch, and get settled in the motel by 1. (And crossing my fingers I feel like Casey's mocha latte too.) And then, count down is on! I'm not all nerves yet, but that'll come as the clock clicks down to gametime.

And now to my amazing buy at Spencers….Originally I went to the mall to get some more sage smudge, which they sell at one store that I can't recall the name of, and also at Spencer's. Well, apparently the one store closed down, and they didn't have any at Spencers. (Drat, might have to order online...) But, I did find that their jewelry was buy 2 get 2 free. I lucked out! That was the very last skeleton hand they had, and I have wanted one of those for quite awhile. These are what  I got on sale: (The 2nd free piece I got I gave as a gift.)

The final piece I got - I really couldn't believe my luck!! I had been wanting one of these for quite awhile too, but was too cheap to fork out $30 for it. But there it was, in the $2 bin!! I should have bought the second one too, but didn't really think about it until after I left.

Kitty photo bomb!

I need to get myself to unwind so I can go to sleep, but I am so keyed up! I'm excited for tomorrow, yet nervous at the same time....

Sunday, January 20, 2019

For the love of Critters!

I have a new addiction. This bug, this irresistible, death by cuteness bug bit me HARD in November of last year. (That's still weird to say 'last year' over 2018. I'm still getting used to 2019.) I had seen these adorable Calico Critters for years, of course. I used to admire from afar at the amazing displays and impressively detailed items at TRU (rest in peace, TRU.) But I never dared get into collecting yet another thing that I knew I would go nuts over. But finally, I took the plunge. I got a blind bag baby, and that was the end of all resistance. Little Henry Sweetpea with his baby sized drum and drum sticks had done it. I had to have more.

All of this hit conveniently when Walmart was offering their Christmas layaway services. (Insert gleeful grin here.) While we don't celebrate Christmas, we did want to celebrate Winter, so why not have some presents? I picked out the Hopscotch rabbit family, and put 2 baby playsets on layaway as well. I didn't get any houses, as none available really suited my slowly forming vision of what I wanted for my Critters, although I did get the tree house. (I also lucked out, and found 3 beach playsets at Tuesday Morning, so I ended up returning initially the 2 playsets I had on layaway. I got them later.) It was fun having wrapped gifts under the Gothmas tree.

We didn't wait until the Solstice, and had our celebration more like on the 18th or so? It was a lot of fun. I made some of my special hot chocolate for those who want it. (I never drink it, nor taste it as I make it, but somehow I manage to create quite a yummy hot chocolate, which is just plain weird.) Along with my Hopscotch family,  I got the Splash and Play Whale, the Seaside Merry Go Round (OMG, the little fish seats on the ride! Yep, death by cuteness,) the Seaside Treasure set (I didn't keep the kitty figure) and last but not least, my tree house.

After opening all of my presents, I decided that these were so neat, I needed to make room for more by cleaning out everything that I liked, but didn't love. This was quite an endeavor, and I can say that I cleaned out probably half at least of everything I had accumulated over the last couple years. All of that can be a subject for another post if I want to go over the boring details. It felt really freaking good to clean out so much stuff. I enjoyed everything I had, but parting with it doesn't make me sad one bit. It gives me more space, cuts out a lot of clutter, and gives me some extra spending money for my Critters.

At this point, my Critter collection is off to a very healthy start! I'm going to create a Critter page on here so I can have a collection list, and I also plan to review all of my Critter items just for the fun of it. These little figures are so magical, they really do brighter my day. For the love of Critters!!