Or more like my dolls. I have been booked for the last few months with commissions that took me much, much longer than they normally would since I got smacked with a frying pan in the teeth with the meanest sinus infection I have ever had. It took me about a month to get back to normal function. So, since February, I have forsworn doing much if any sewing for my dolls to try my hardest to get back on track. I'm pretty much there! I have 4 commissions finished, and another one very close, so today I figured I could justify sewing something for my dolls.
I got a Mirodoll 60cm body back a couple of months or so ago for my IH Lion head. Jesse had been sitting there for quite awhile with no body and no hope in sight for anything other than the existence of a floating head. (Eye ball-less, face-up-less, and wrapped in bubble wrap in a container.) After some help and some research, I discovered that the Mirodoll yellow NS is a pretty darn good match to the old Iple NS. And right when I was set to order, the bodies went off sale, and I assuaged myself with putting a 5star Kid Jesse (lol, both Jesse's) on layaway. Then they went back on sale right as I just paid that layaway off. But luck finally prevailed, and as soon as they went back on sale I got more dolly money. Mirodoll has fantastic customer service. I simply emailed them what I want, told them how long I needed for my layaway, and boom! All set. I got it paid off pretty quickly, and they shipped it maybe a week later? So, that was the story of my Mirodoll body.
It turned out to be a fantastic resin match. Not totally perfect, but very, very good. I've had it out of layaway for awhile, but not the justified time to make him any pants. I am lucky to have an awesome friend who is very talented at sewing (she runs Velvet Tiger on Etsy) who agreed to trade me a cool camo tee shirt she had made that would fit the Mirodoll perfectly. I was already going to make her some Kickwear pants, so we did a partial trade deducting the shirt total from what she owed me on one pair of the pants. She is so awesome - she sent me not one, but 2 shirts! Both are perfect for Jesse (IH Jesse, not 5star Jesse - that one is named Lucian.) So, Jesse has been sitting there with only a shirt on if anything at all for the past x amount of days. I can't even tell you how utterly tired I am of seeing him naked. Tonight I started on some pants for him FINALLY!
I didn't get them done tonight like I wanted to. I am making him some cargo pants in grey twill, as that is all the twill I have except this banana yellow I got for my MSD. (Its bright too - I finally used it today for some kickwear pants for my BBB Tony, Jackson.) Unfortunately, I ran out of sewing steam about 7:30 tonight, and with dirty dishes glaring at me, I put it up for the night. They are about half finished. Much simpler than kickwear pants, so I should get them finished up tomorrow and also get some work in on my remaining BJD commission.
So, I am feeling good, relieved and happy I have so much done! And relieved I am so close to having Jesse finally dressed!
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