Before Christmas I got a message on Etsy from a lady who was looking to have some dresses made for her AG doll. She had recently fallen in love with Loli fashion herself. As someone who loves Loli fashion for dolls, meeting a like minded dolly owner is always a treat! After discussing some ideas with her, she settled on going with the pattern I had already made, only instead of the pale butterfly print I had sewn it in before, she was looking for a pale icy yellow solid. You'd think that would be a simple thing to find, but alas, butter yellow is what is so easily found right now. Colors really trend through the years. I was finally able to find ONE option, which thankfully turned out to be perfect.
Here is the dress. I couldn't be happier with it.
My buyer wanted to add some pigtail bows to match it. She is also wanting a large single pony tail bow. I had meant to have this finished by the time she got back from vacation, but I had forgotten to settle on the exact size with her before she left. I want her input before I sew the actual bow for her.
The second dress is pretty much her brain child. It was fun seeing the dress come together. We started with an example of a human dress, and it went from there! She wanted it in lavender with a lavender print. I LOVE this fabric combination. This dress will also have the pig tails bows, and the still unmade single bow.
I am presently working on the third dress, the pink. It'll be made out of a pink printed with little white vines with hearts mixed with a pale pink solid. The bodice will be pretty simple, but the skirt is more of a challenge. I'm really wanting it to have several ruffles, so I'm working on some concepts to see what is possible and what is not. Hopefully I can post some WIP pics of this design soon!