
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Waiting, waiting for that shipping notice! Iplehouse JID

So, I went and put an Iplehouse JID on layaway a few weeks back. He was kind of a surprise buy. You know how that can happen? I hadn't payed a great amount of attention to these dolls in the past, but I suddenly got seized with the desire to get one. So, I did the money calculations we all do when considering buying a new doll, the numbers worked, and WS Owen was put on layaway! I paid him off in full 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I cannot wait for him to arrive. It seems like FOREVER since I paid him off, but I know it hasn't been. :P I'm so impatient, my coping with the wait is total denial that I have him to "OMG, how am I gonna survive until he is HOOOOOOME!" The drama, the drama.

I have no idea really what I am going to do with him. I fell in love with this picture of Owen:

I found this while looking for inspiration pics of men's mori clothing to make for my Dollshe Hound. I ended up ordering the doll a few weeks later. I am thinking I might dress him in a similar style, but I know not to settle on anything until he is here. Which *hopefully* will be soon. IH has been shipping pretty quickly lately, so I am crossing my fingers I will be one of the lucky people who gets their dolls within 2-3 weeks.

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