
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pioneer Day, SLC, and my new Blythe

It's Pioneer Day here in the great state of Utah. Fireworks will be going off tonight by those who cherish the pioneer history of their state and also by those who just love any reason for fireworks. I myself fall into neither category as being able to see fireworks for some reason just eludes me. I was able to see some fireworks that the neighbors set off late on the 4th, and also about 1 week ago when they were going off obnoxiously late as well as obnoxiously LOUD. They were really nice though. I was kind of hoping we might get some for this weekend as I think tonight or maybe tomorrow might be the last legal day they are allowed here in Ogden. (Though I am also thinking that they weren't legal a couple weeks back when people were still setting them off.) Oh well. Maybe next year, which is what I seeme doomed to keep saying every year.

I meant to blog about my trip last weekend to Salt Lake City, but just never got to it. We left after lunch, drove the hour or so it takes to get there, and then we went to a store I have been dying to go to since we moved to Ogden. I wish it was closer. Crone's Hollow is truly an enchanting little shop. I am planning on leaving a review for the store. I loved the store, though the employee was a little rude and offended one of my party. (She came off as one of those people who likes to shape conversations to make herself look better and more knowledgeable than anyone else. It was a little hard to get her attention if you wanted to ask her anything, and she made you feel annoying for doing so.) After that, we went to Temple Square, and I walked around with the droves of other curious people, and took a few pictures. (I have yet to upload them along with a bunch of other pictures I have taken. My computer took a streak of jamming up whenever I try down loading any pictures from my camera, so I try to down load as infrequently as possible. Lately it's been better, but I still don't trust it.) Salt Lake City is a pretty big city, with quite a few people, but it is actually not as crazy as I had expected. It is chock full of its own bad drivers, but seems to lack a little bit of the mania expressed by the Ogden drivers. (Maybe it was just the down town area we went.)

My new Blythe is finally all fixed up. I worked on her yesterday most of the afternoon, and just got her put back together today. I will be posting a TBL vs. EBL comparison at one point. Seeing the differences in the two was very interesting! She - my EBL - took on a much different look than I had first thought she would. I was having a hard time figuring her out. I think though, I will save this for a separate post.

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