
Monday, May 30, 2016

Pants for tinies - Pipos PI, Delf Zuzu, and of course, 5star YoSD...

I intended to spend my weekend working on an outfit for my 5star tony Aiden Dante. I have plans for a suit for him - red blouse, black slacks, maybe a black vest, a suit coat and for sure a tie. I hadn't really gotten out many of my BJDs since moving back to KY, so I pretty soon found myself distracted just a little, hauling all of my anthros out of their container. The ones who did have clothes had cold weather stuff, and in the summer heat (with no a/c at the time - we have since gotten one as of last night, and I am one happy duck) it looked miserable. So, I decided to spend a little bit of time making them something that didn't look like they would melt in.

First, I sketched out some summer dress ideas for Honeysuckle (Baha girl.) Then, I settled on cargo shorts for the boys (Pipos PI Heero - he's not mine, but I sew for him like he is - PI Bao, and Delf Zuzu Wolffy) each in different colors. Hamilton (Heero) would have black, Percy (Bao) would have khaki, and Vlady (Zuzu) would be most unhappily stuck with denim. He's normally my romantic white vampy goth, so sticking him in something normal is cruel and unusual punishment for him. I do sympathize, so I am working on an idea for something cool and in his style, but until then, he has shorts.

I started with Vlady's, went onto Ham's, and then started working on a raglan tee for Vlady. I'm presently not happy with it, but I am pleased with the shorts. I had cut out Percy's, but didn't get to them until Sunday.

On Sunday I made Percy's shorts, and then began working on basic pants for Aiden, and finished them relatively fast. I do have an Etsy commission for 3 pairs of pants for this size, so not only was I making something for Dante to wear, but I was also working on stuff for my store. I am pleased with how everything except the raglan tee have turned out. I'll edit this post when I finish getting pics of everything.


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