
Monday, October 23, 2017

After my last attempt at an AG clean out  a few months back (even had it down to 8 dolls total) I ended up accumulating quite a few more dolls since then. This is largely if not solely thanks to family members down sizing, as well as me changing my mind on the dolls I had decided to part with. I had some time to mess with my dolls this afternoon, so I got them all of them out. I was quite startled (in all honesty, more like delighted) to see just how many I have added. I now have a whopping 18 dolls. :O How did that happen?  This time, I am just going to keep them. I am tired of the cycle of me getting overwhelmed and feeling like I should cut them down. Every time I do that, it seems I end up with even more dolls than I had when I originally decided to down size. I must be fated to a large AG collection. And why fight fate? I'm just going to enjoy it.

I had a lot of fun sorting out who was modern, who was historical, which era they would have, and who needs what. The who needs what is a little depressing. I have several naked dolls, and the shoe and sock department is seriously lacking. I am really going to enjoy though, the process of deciding what to make them, picking out the perfect fabric, and getting it together for them.

The way I have it divided right now, there are 9 historical dolls, 6 modern (a mix up of normal modern, Lolita, Fairy Kei and Mori/Boho), and 3 who are in more of the fantasy category. :D As I get each doll perfect, she will have a photo shoot, and I will add them to this blog. Mandi and Stella are 2 of the lucky girls who have a couple of outfits each. It was a really warm day yesterday, so I took the best buddy duo outside in their summer weather clothing. It was an overcast day, but the goofy girls insisted on wearing sun glasses. Stella is a Leah, and Mandi is #55.

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