This weekend's Flea Marketing was good to me. Very, very good to me. We've been blessed with an exceptionally beautiful streak of weather, this afternoon being the peak at 73 degrees. Perfect weather to be out of a dark dank dungeon of a house to enjoy.
We left a little later then we needed to, and since I needed to get back in time to battle with coals that are temperamental to grill the salmon, we made quick work of the Country Market, and proceeded to head to the Consumer's Mall. I was really, really hoping to find a pony. It has been too long since I got a new addition to the herd. I just had to find one. It felt like the sort of day that would bring me a pony! As all hope was beginning to fade, that's when I saw it. A yellow head in the shy pose that could only be SAND DIGGER! I half hobbled, half ran in my walking boot (not a good idea, but atleast nothing was harmed in those few seconds of pure mad joy.) Not only was there Sand Digger, there was also Shoreline. Both seemed in good condition, dry manes, some marks here and there. And the most stunning part was that they each cost $1. I've never found a pony for that cheap. (Can;t complain though - I have been lucky enough to find several ponies in the wild.)
I haven't cleaned them up yet. I think most of the grime will come off. There is one spot on the back of Sand Digger's neck that is this sticky thick mass, and pretty much unidentifiable. I think it is a decomposing sticker, though the suggestion that it is some kind of thick paint is a likely candidate too. I am confident it will come off without much grief. Bad pic, but you get the idea.
I was really excited to discover that Sand Digger's hair still changes color in the sun. Shoreline's does to some extent. Mostly at the roots, but you can see a slight darkening in the rest of the pink. I am still pinching myself, and it has been over 24 hours. These are super rushed, pre bath pics, so definitely not impressive. But here they are nonetheless.
Today, while the weather was lovely, the tone of the day didn't match. We had planned to go up to the Flea Market in Newburgh, but that didn't work out. Instead, we went to the Peddlar's Market which we had skipped. I was hoping to find even more ponies! No ponies, but I did come out of there with these adorable rascals - Care Bear Cousins Swift Heart Rabbit and Bright Heart Raccoon! Swift Heart is in really, really good shape. I didn't notice until after I got back out into the car, but Bright Heart is missing one eyebrow. He isn't in perfect shape. His nose is discolored. His tail is sort of bent. And his face is a little smashed. But, I couldn't leave him. I will try my hand at replacing that eyebrow. We'll see if I make a worse mess out of it, or if it makes him feel better about himself.
This ups my Care Bear collection to a count of 5. (Champ Bear, Love-A-Lot Bear, and Bedtime Bear.) And I saw more bears to hopefully get next time I go Flea Marketing. Okay, group shot of the first weekend in November's spoils!
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