
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Whew! The 40 Critter school uniforms are done!

I mailed this a few days ago, but am now only getting to blogging about it! Back in the Fall I got this massive order for 40 critter child size school uniforms. I was so excited - I have gotten big orders, but never anything quite this big! In my naive excitement, I saw myself getting these done in like 3 weeks. Well, that didn't exactly happen. My customer - being the super sweet and very patient person that she is - assured me not to worry about how long it takes, having a much better handle on just how long making 40 uniforms would take. :'D It really would have taken a shorter amount of time had this not been the cold and flu season of hell as well as the holidays, but there is no real way that I could have gotten them done as quickly as I had hoped.

There were to be 20 girls outfits and 20 for boys. Each shirt would be white, with a black tie, and the pleated skirts and boys pants would be a lovely charcoal grey. I started working on the shirts and got them about halfway done before I worked on the other pieces. I think once I hit 20 shirts I was like "Oh god, and I've got how many more to do?" Jokingly of course. This wasn't a project of drudgery, I would just wear out after making 2-3 shirts in one sitting. The good thing (or bad thing sometimes) is that I always have a myriad of projects going, so when I get a bit exhausted on one project, I can take my mind off of it and work on another.

The boys pants went really quick - I think I even made 9 in one night (sans velcro.) I didn't start the skirts until I was finished with the boys pants. I made 5 of them and showed a pic of them to make sure my customer was happy with them. (She was!) I set them aside for awhile, and just worked on finishing up the shirts. I had decided to save the velcro for all 40 shirts until the end - a decision that I was worried would come back to haunt me. I was dreading doing it, and so why not save it to the end, right? :P The relief that I felt when I discovered that sewing on the velcro was going to be quick is indescribable. I think it only took me maybe 2 hours tops to sew it on every shirt. Next thing was sewing 40 little ties made out of 1/8" black satin ribbon. That also only took me a couple of hours to complete as well.

The remaining girls skirt I was determined to cut out and complete while watching the Super Bowl. It didn't exactly happen, but I came pretty close. I think I got maybe 8-9 done that night. The good thing is that I only watched the Super Bowl because it was on, and while I was curious to see who won, I was pleasantly disinterested. (The last few NFL postseasons have been exhausting, being a Patriots fan. I was relieved to just not care this year!) The game was good enough to watch, but not so good I was at risk sewing my fingers. I finished up the remaining skirts over the next couple of days.

Next came the daunting task of trying to take pics. I'm not really set up for taking good pics, but I do my best. It took way longer to get the pics of it than I expected. I think the whole shoot took 45 minutes, which was mostly time spent on changing the clothes! I only gathered up 20 of my child sized critters and so I put the girls clothes on, then changed the skirts to pants, or the other way around, which was rather tedious at 11:30 at night. It was so much fun though seeing an army of Critters in school uniforms! :D I just wish the pics had turned out better, but at that point I just wanted to get it done. And then off they way to their rightful owner!

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