This is a project for one of my own dolls. I had this crazy idea to put girl's Lolita clothes on a boy (I don't like any of the girl BJDs) but I love, love Lolita clothes. So, I bought myself a RS WS Song to dress accordingly. (I am definitely not the only BJD owner to do this. :P) I picked out 2 pieces of fabric for him - one is a turquoise heart print, and the other is a pale minty/sage print. My first idea of an outfit for him is a much simpler dress than some I would love to make. I have the basic dress mostly done, but I still need to add some ribbon and fabric bows to it. Here's how it is looking so far.
If you look closely, you will see his missing finger. Talk about a moment of pure horror. I have NO idea how this managed to happened. I do know that RS has infamously thin resin (thus their cheap price) so it had to be a weakness in the resin. I am very careful with my dolls. I don't slam them around, I don't let them crash, so to have a broken finger is pretty upsetting. It must have snapped off when I was putting the dress either on him or off of him. I couldn't find the broken off finger at first. :/ I finally found it the third time of looking for it. It was under my desk. I can fix this when I get some epoxy. But still. He's broken and I am really unhappy. Poor doll.
I still need to get his wig. I can't quite decide what I want to do. I am hoping that the pink mohair wig I found on DoA is still available. I think it really fits him. I love mohair wigs. I have never owned one myself, but I really love the look of them. Roosevelt has some cute kitty white Mary Jane shoes I got for him, and also another pair he ended up with by default. The measurements of the shoes were incorrect in the listing, so they do not work for my Doll Leaves Royal, but thankfully they work fr Rosie. (This caused the expected tensions between the 2 dolls. It's not Rosie's fault, but what does D'arcy care?) I also need to either make or find him some stockings. My pair of blue and white stripe stockings that are a little too dark for this turquoise dress, but they will have to do for now.
I'm all set to make his bloomers and petticoat. I was going to start on them last night, but after his finger broke, it kind of killed the sewing mood for me....
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