
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

My Pullip is here!

I've been trying to get myself to post *something* on here for the past several weeks, and was inspired by nothing that was going on. Not like there weren't things to blog about. It just wasn't anything that sparked my interest enough to sit down and actually do it.

Here's one thing: My Pullip MIO came the other day. I suddenly just decided to get one, and lucky for me they had the natural color in stock (I would have gotten the pale skin if they had had that, but I as happy to settle with the natural.) I paid for her on a Thursday and never got the shipping notice! I agonized all day Friday waiting for the shipping notice, and none ever came. So imagine my surprise when she arrived on Saturday! :D

She's amazing. I absolutely love her. I don't have her a wig yet, but I will try Draven's wig on her when  dig it out. Its a long bangless wavy purple and black Can Can wig. She might keep it. (Truthfully, it doesn't entirely fit Draven. I'd prefer a dark brown in the same style.) Her eye chips have been painted a black glitter, which I am thrilled with! Her face will be painted as soon as the weather behaves and gives me something that is warmer than 20 degrees with 80+ % humidity (which I am afraid won't be happening any time soon. We had a warm day on Saturday and I was all excited to get her face done. I watched until the humidity dropped to a good level and right as I was thinking it was time to go spray her down, that's when the down pour started and continued late into the night.)

My plans for her have changed. Of course. Once again, my pre-planning didn't work. I wanted to do an Alice Madness Returns inspired doll. The doll I have right now is not that doll. It's probably a good thing I didn't have the opportunity to paint her as quickly as I wanted to, as I would have ended up changing it. I don't have a name for her yet, but it seems as if my Pullip is a sweet, quiet goth who wears medieval style dresses, victorian mourning dresses, and some EGL in there for good measure. The dress I started for her needs more work. I'll do a separate post for that later though.

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