
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Twas the Wednesday before Thanksgiving....

And chaos is once again making its presence known. Lol. But really, what's a holiday without chaos? What a strange thought....

We got one of those handy (and HUGE) turkey roasters that you plug in. Whatever the correct name for them. An electric roaster. And we ended up with a roast for dinner (which I was not planning on) tonight to try it out. I got it all browned and cut up carrots, potatoes, celery, onion and garlic, and it should hopefully be done in time for dinner. We haven't had roast in awhile. It's not my favorite thing to eat. It's good, just usually too heavy and rich for me to thoroughly enjoy. Which is fine to have every once in awhile.

My plan was to do all the baking/desserts today. I will be making an Italian Creme Cake, a peanut butter pie (the only thing you cook there is the graham cracker crust) and some pumpkin chocolate chip bars with no sugar or dairy for me (YUM YUM YUM.) I was all set to get the cake going before lunch, but the roast dinner prep took up that time. I just finished my lunch, so I will hold off on baking and try and get the Etsy Lolita dress finished so I can get it out in the mail today.

Since we forgot (foiled again! This writing grocery lists on the fly on our way to town has got to stop!!) to get cat food, more garlic, and something else that I don't remember at the moment, we will have to go by Wal-Mart. I will try and get everything finished up by 3 that needs to be done before I mail, so baking might be an after dinner affair.

On another note, I am working on getting a Mary Ellen holiday ensemble together to list maybe on eBay. We'll see. I'm really excited about it. It's a new pattern I have been working on. :D The dress is mostly finished. I really want to have it ready to list by tomorrow. I will be posting pictures of it on here as soon as I get it finished!

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