
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Lalaloopsy - Sew cute, Sew magical!!!

I've always admired these dolls for the adorable sweetness, but I never got any. It seems a subconscious personal mission of mine lately to get all the dolls I was tempted by, or thought about in the past. Course, this is also when the good era of collecting has passed and I am left to hunt Flea Markets or eBay, but hey, when am I ever on time?

My Lala journey started about 2 weeks ago after watching the adorable (there's that word again!) Netflix cartoon. I was surprised it was so fun to watch. No mean characters, no fighting, no empowerment issues, no agendas, just fun, sweet, innocent characters. Really reminded me of the era when cartoons were actually good, way back in the '80's. I fell completely in love with Crumbs, Rosie, Jewel, Storm E. and the rest of the gang.

At a Flea Market, we stumbled onto a nude crazy haired doll for $1. Didn't know who she was, what her name was, or anything. But she had to come home. I later learned she is a Silly Hair Pix. E. Flutters. She is in really good shape, with just a couple of scrapes. Making her something to wear is a super easy feat, so she has become a fun little project. She is now wearing a freshly knitted dress. We ended up going to one of the 2 K-Marts my town has that happened to be one that is closing, and I scored a new in box Frost I.C. Cone. I think she's going to stay in her box for awhile. As much as I want to handle her, her box is just so bright and happy I hate to mess up the packaging. I can't believe I actually said that. But it's true.

 It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday, so we hit up the Flea Markets again. Talk about the jackpot. We found quite a few dolls, some had their pets, many had their full outfits, a couple were NIB. I bought 2 from one place - Candle Slice O' Cake, who was in decent condition and has her complete outfit, but no pet, and then a nude Berry Jars and Jams, just because she was so cute and needed a good home and some clothes. At the second Market, I found tucked up on a the top shelf a $5 Peggy Seven Seas. She has her dress and shoes, but no eye patch or pet. She's adorable, and also in decent shape. These are kind of my fix up dolls. I'll make them all clothes and new pets. Maybe some day I might do a full on custom job on all of them, but we'll see.

I'll add a pic of the gang once I get my recent acquisitions cleaned up and acclimated to their new home. I know blog posts are much more fun with pics.

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