I've been avoiding facebook for the most part over the last week and a half. Somehow feverish dreams when I was sick made my stomach turn at the thought of looking at it. I did venture over there this morning and saw this post:
We're getting 35th anniversary MLP! I am super excited about this. I think when I get these, they will stay in their packaging. I am not someone who prefers their things in boxes, but what truly makes these special IS the packaging. I hope my Target gets them in soon.
I am trying to find pics of any of the original 6 in their '80's packaging to see how similar the anniversary packaging is to the original, but I cannot find a single picture! Surely, some collector somewhere has a pony still in the packaging. I might have to ask on a fb group or on the MLPArena.
I know there were complaints that we already got these ponies as anniversary releases back in the G3 line, but who cares? The packaging for the 25th anniversary were for 3 sets, and while cool, these are singles!!! I'm definitely not complaining here. I can't wait to see them in person!
Ha, seeing these makes me regret not having my retro SSC still in their boxes. I still have Angel Cake in her packaging, and I will probably keep her that way. I can always see about buying singles of every doll who was opened and keeping them in their packaging.
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