She got here before lunch today. That was some fast movement from MI to UT. When I bought her I was expecting a factory Blythe. Then after going over the TBL, EBL and Factory Blythe comparison pics provided by Dr. Blythenstein and others via Flickr, I was worried she was actually a TBL. When she arrived, my fears were confirmed. Ah well. Now I know more of what to look for. TBL or not, she is beautiful. I love her hair, it is a great color, and good quality. Her eyelashes are much better than factory and even some official Blythes. So, I feel pretty good about her. She isn't the Fairy Kei girl I was planning on, but there will be more Blythes in my future. :D I got some fabric today for her, and she is going to have a mostly blue wardrobe with some purple and black in for good measure. I bought her 3 pairs of tights, and a pair of pale blue boots. Not the ideal color, but they are all in the US so she can have shoes quicker without having to wait on shipping from China.
I wasn't sure what her name was going to be, but it hit me on the way to pick up dinner. Lotus. I love it. It is so her. She just screams Lotus. She is really developing a personality! After dinner I got out the Norton's 3X 320 grit sandpaper recommended for sand matting on Puchi Collective (which I almost didn't find in Home Dept) and got to work on her. I missed a few spots, but boy does it look so much better. I am working on carving out her smile just a wee bit. Nothing drastic, but still an adjustment. I don't think I have the nerves to do a really major carving. Nope, not for my first. Though truthfully those Blythes with exaggerated smiles creep me out. And also the ones lacking the bottom lip. *shudder*
Tomorrow I will work some more on her face. I am feeling a little impatient to get her face painted and get her all back together. Tomorrow will also be sewing time! If I can manage it, she will have more than one thing to wear before Monday. Later on I will post pics for my own amusement of her being taken apart and progress pics. Here she is before the operating began:
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
A bunch of different random things
I am almost finished with the Spiderman commission that has taken me so long it seems to finish. I am finishing up the ski mask, which might seem the simplest compared to painting all those spiderwebs, but not so much. Trying to get the eye holes cut correctly and straight is a little nerve wracking. I am so pleased with everything. I will get pictures to my buyer of the finished ensemble all together. I can't wait for her to see it.
I have decided that I am going to sell some of my AG patterns. I am starting out with a 40's dress that I have just named "Myrtle." That is one concern about selling patterns. I have to come up with names for them. And that is not something I am going to be very good at. By the time I run out of my own doll names, I am not sure what I'll do! Any ways, I took pictures of each step. There are 3 variations, one very simple and won't need a thorough picture explanation, but the other two needed that. I finished up my second variation today. I am debating about keeping the dress that I made to show the steps, but I am not overly crazy about the colors on Ginger. I took her outside this afternoon to get some pictures of it. They didn't turn out very well - the sun was reflecting off the camera so much, I pretty much just snapped blind. Lucky a couple turned out okay.
And on the Blythe front....SHE'S NOT HERE YET!! I finally messaged the seller 5 days after I bought her to see when they intended to mail her. I got a response saying she just got mailed that day, and they gave me the tracking. I hate it when sellers do that. They print the shipping label and then do not mail it the day they say. They didn't mail her until the next day. I am none too happy, but at least she is en route. I just don't plan on giving them high star ratings on time of shipping. I can't wait!!
I have decided that I am going to sell some of my AG patterns. I am starting out with a 40's dress that I have just named "Myrtle." That is one concern about selling patterns. I have to come up with names for them. And that is not something I am going to be very good at. By the time I run out of my own doll names, I am not sure what I'll do! Any ways, I took pictures of each step. There are 3 variations, one very simple and won't need a thorough picture explanation, but the other two needed that. I finished up my second variation today. I am debating about keeping the dress that I made to show the steps, but I am not overly crazy about the colors on Ginger. I took her outside this afternoon to get some pictures of it. They didn't turn out very well - the sun was reflecting off the camera so much, I pretty much just snapped blind. Lucky a couple turned out okay.
And on the Blythe front....SHE'S NOT HERE YET!! I finally messaged the seller 5 days after I bought her to see when they intended to mail her. I got a response saying she just got mailed that day, and they gave me the tracking. I hate it when sellers do that. They print the shipping label and then do not mail it the day they say. They didn't mail her until the next day. I am none too happy, but at least she is en route. I just don't plan on giving them high star ratings on time of shipping. I can't wait!!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Awaiting a Blythe!
I am so excited for her to arrive. She's not an officially released Blythe, but instead is a factory Blythe. I plan to customize her, as well as change her body out for a 23cm Obitsu body, so I figured it would be much wiser to start out with a more affordable factory Blythe. Imagine the horror of messing up a $200 doll vs the much easier to cope with horror of an $80 doll. She's from a seller in US, so she'll get here much sooner. I should have her by the end of next week.
My plan is to make her a Candy Zombie. Now what exactly that is, I will figure out as I go along! I bought a doll with the perfect shade of medium blue hair, so she will have a sort of Fairy/Pop Kei sort of style.
I am so excited to start sewing for her. It's been a long time since I had a Blythe. I only had one for a short period time, but ended up sending her back to my friend who had given her to me. Blythe is a unique doll. She's pretty homely, but in the most charming way. She is the perfect base for a creepy doll.
Ahhh, I think I am going to go crazy before she gets here! She better hurry home!
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Little ball of furry goodness and a bit of sadness too
Seems I have been saying goodbye to too many of pets this last year. The 5 kittens I attempted to rescue last summer weren't exactly beloved pets. But it was sad to see each one pass. Then there was Butter. My treasured blind kitty that also was my little shadow, disrupting whenever he could manage whenever I was sewing, or even cooking, before we lost our home. And then we had to say goodbye to Duke, the Boxer. He wasn't my personal pet, and I would never go so far as to say I loved him like my own cats. But saying goodbye to him before we left was sad. I have to confess I miss that ugly ol' dog at times. Never would have thought that! And my most recent loss would be Miss Bit. She and Nighty, my gorgeous black cat were outside due to rental agreements, some had to go out. Miss Bit was the only girl of the bunch, and one we rescued the summer before life fell apart the rest of the way. She was the only thing that helped me get through one of the toughest times of my life. She was pretty much my angel kitty. She was a beautiful little grey kitty, and loved me as much as I loved her. I missed her inside, and now I miss her outside. Perhaps she might come back, but after this many days, I am pretty convinced she is gone. But where did she go? She disappeared pretty much the same way she appeared. Maybe someone else took her in, maybe she got hit by a car. I'll never know, but I wish she'd come back from wherever she went to.
The happy part of this post which has turned out to be far more depressing than I had intended it to be. My lead in to the happy point of this blog turned into a sad monologue. The night we caught the new little guy was the last night I saw Miss Bit. She helped us catch him, in fact, the bright little thing that she was. We have some stray cats that hang around - we call them the Fluffkin clan, due to their long fluffy fur. One of them looks like a Butter doppelganger, save the skinnier figure and more petite face. From a distance though s/he looks just like him. One of them that we have called Sapphire due to her bright blue eyes had a baby. A tiny little white kitten - a boy - with some orange tabby on his tail and ears. Keeping an eye on him, we noticed he would cry and cry, circling his mother, and she just ignored him. The conclusion was she must not be feeding him. We caught him one night, and as suspected, he was far too skinny for a kitten of his age, especially an only kitten.
Now, some people might skin me alive for this insisting in a holier-than-thou cloud of ignorance of this particular situation that he should be with his mother, and her only. This is true, on most occasions, but I wasn't going to let him starve to death. Which would have happened. I am no newbie to kitten growth, having raised more than one young orphan successfully. We gave him some milk that night, and he would have eaten the dropper he was so hungry.
Fast forward to one week later, and he appears to be perfectly healthy. He's eating well, using the litter box, and has become a very sweet and very tame little fellow. We have named him Nefertem, Neffers for short. (He confirmed via meows that he liked it.) Nefertem is a less well known Egyptian God of healing and perfumes. He is the son of Bast, so it seemed fitting. It seems like he is a salve for Butter, and now also for Miss Bit.
Here he is sitting in my fur covered lap (black and white fur, baaaad combination.) He's got cat food on his face.
The happy part of this post which has turned out to be far more depressing than I had intended it to be. My lead in to the happy point of this blog turned into a sad monologue. The night we caught the new little guy was the last night I saw Miss Bit. She helped us catch him, in fact, the bright little thing that she was. We have some stray cats that hang around - we call them the Fluffkin clan, due to their long fluffy fur. One of them looks like a Butter doppelganger, save the skinnier figure and more petite face. From a distance though s/he looks just like him. One of them that we have called Sapphire due to her bright blue eyes had a baby. A tiny little white kitten - a boy - with some orange tabby on his tail and ears. Keeping an eye on him, we noticed he would cry and cry, circling his mother, and she just ignored him. The conclusion was she must not be feeding him. We caught him one night, and as suspected, he was far too skinny for a kitten of his age, especially an only kitten.
Now, some people might skin me alive for this insisting in a holier-than-thou cloud of ignorance of this particular situation that he should be with his mother, and her only. This is true, on most occasions, but I wasn't going to let him starve to death. Which would have happened. I am no newbie to kitten growth, having raised more than one young orphan successfully. We gave him some milk that night, and he would have eaten the dropper he was so hungry.
Fast forward to one week later, and he appears to be perfectly healthy. He's eating well, using the litter box, and has become a very sweet and very tame little fellow. We have named him Nefertem, Neffers for short. (He confirmed via meows that he liked it.) Nefertem is a less well known Egyptian God of healing and perfumes. He is the son of Bast, so it seemed fitting. It seems like he is a salve for Butter, and now also for Miss Bit.
Here he is sitting in my fur covered lap (black and white fur, baaaad combination.) He's got cat food on his face.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
The Postman was kind to me today!
I got two things in the mail today. First was my set of spider ear cuffs. They have a spider dangling on a chain about 1 1/2" long, and are actually very comfortable. I nearly lost one right after I put it on, but it was later found on the overstuffed chair. Luckily before anyone sat on it. The second was Honeysuckle, my Pipos Baha I got for a great price on DoA. She almost never made it. The postman delivered the one package, but not her. Checking the tracking it said 'undeliverable.' We were able to track down the postman and asked him about it. My seller had made a mistake on the address, but thankfully we got to him before the box went back to the PO and then back to her, and Honeysuckle is now home. I have some more work to do on her. When I opened her box, she was the dirtiest BJD I have ever seen. I'm not upset about it - I knew she was in need of a spruce up, the seller was very honest about her condition, so no surprises there. But it still was a little shocking to see a doll that dirty. She isn't nearly as yellow as she first appeared, which is sometimes the case when old sealer be it MSC or Testor's gets old. And that was why she was so dirty. Apparently she had some sealing done on her body - pink blushing on the knees - and all this lead to a very very dirty doll. I spent some time scrubbing her with Magic Eraser, rubbing alcohol and water and got most of it off. She still needs more cleaning, even after all that. Pipos face ups are notoriously hard to get off. Not sure what gloss they use, but they mean for it to stay. She is in much, much better shape than the seller presented her in being. I got a really good deal! Just wait until she is re-strung and re-face-upped.
I went grocery shopping this afternoon after working on Honeysuckle. I went to the other close by us Wal-Mart. It's much better, not quite so busy, and it's arrangement reminds me much more of the Owensboro Wal-Mart, so I have a pretty easy time navigating it. And it was nice not to be nearly run over by spacey throngs of shoppers. I swear, people never look. And for some reason they think a sudden meet up with a friend is a perfectly justifiable reason to block up an entire aisle. Today though I actually enjoyed doing the shopping. Even if my cart was one of those ornery hard to push types that want to veer to the side.
Over dinner of smoked cheesedogs, Brawts and green beans (they nearly burned, but at least this time they cooked long enough. A green bean should die twice in my opinion before being perfect to eat) we watched Austen-land. A movie so painful I laughed quite a bit through it. Not because it was hilarious as it really was not. but just that they made it. And I know of people who are really THAT obsessed with Jane Austin, myself not being one of them. It's going to haunt me a little bit, I'm afraid. I do not like chick flicks. I do not like romantic comedies. This was that, and damn was it painful.
All in all I would say that today was a pretty good day! Tomorrow I have smoked turkey to look forward to. Yuuuuummmmmmmm.
I went grocery shopping this afternoon after working on Honeysuckle. I went to the other close by us Wal-Mart. It's much better, not quite so busy, and it's arrangement reminds me much more of the Owensboro Wal-Mart, so I have a pretty easy time navigating it. And it was nice not to be nearly run over by spacey throngs of shoppers. I swear, people never look. And for some reason they think a sudden meet up with a friend is a perfectly justifiable reason to block up an entire aisle. Today though I actually enjoyed doing the shopping. Even if my cart was one of those ornery hard to push types that want to veer to the side.
Over dinner of smoked cheesedogs, Brawts and green beans (they nearly burned, but at least this time they cooked long enough. A green bean should die twice in my opinion before being perfect to eat) we watched Austen-land. A movie so painful I laughed quite a bit through it. Not because it was hilarious as it really was not. but just that they made it. And I know of people who are really THAT obsessed with Jane Austin, myself not being one of them. It's going to haunt me a little bit, I'm afraid. I do not like chick flicks. I do not like romantic comedies. This was that, and damn was it painful.
All in all I would say that today was a pretty good day! Tomorrow I have smoked turkey to look forward to. Yuuuuummmmmmmm.
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