
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Awaiting a Blythe!

I am so excited for her to arrive. She's not an officially released Blythe, but instead is a factory Blythe. I plan to customize her, as well as change her body out for a 23cm Obitsu body, so I figured it would be much wiser to start out with a more affordable factory Blythe. Imagine the horror of messing up a $200 doll vs the much easier to cope with horror of an $80 doll. She's from a seller in US, so she'll get here much sooner. I should have her by the end of next week. 

My plan is to make her a Candy Zombie. Now what exactly that is, I will figure out as I go along! I bought a doll with the perfect shade of medium blue hair, so she will have a sort of Fairy/Pop Kei sort of style. 

I am so excited to start sewing for her. It's been a long time since I had a Blythe. I only had one for a short period time, but ended up sending her back to my friend who had given her to me. Blythe is a unique doll. She's pretty homely, but in the most charming way. She is the perfect base for a creepy doll. 

Ahhh, I think I am going to go crazy before she gets here! She better hurry home!

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